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Effects of Vehicle Extraction on Patient: Weather Considerations


When a vehicle is dismantled during extrication by the Fire Service, it exposes the patient to external weather conditions, which can vary from cold, hot, rain, snow, to sleet. These conditions must be carefully managed to prevent additional complications, such as hypothermia, especially when coupled with shock.

Importance of Patient Temperature

Preventing Hypothermia: It's crucial to keep the patient warm and dry throughout the extraction process to minimize the risk of hypothermia, as lowering body temperature can have severe consequences on the patient's health.

Consideration of Extraction Time: Since extrication from road traffic collisions (RTCs) can take a considerable amount of time, it's essential to continuously monitor the weather conditions, lighting, and patient's body temperature, adapting care accordingly.

Strategies for Maintaining Patient Warmth

Utilize Thermal Blankets: Thermal and regular blankets should be used to maintain the patient's body temperature during the extraction process, focusing on keeping the head and body adequately covered to prevent heat loss.

Pre-Extraction Preparation: Before initiating glass cutting or vehicle exposure, ensure that the patient is adequately insulated to mitigate the risk of hypothermia, considering the duration of the extraction procedure.